Victor Maynard (Nighy) is a middle-aged, solitary assassin, who lives to please his formidable mother, despite his own peerless reputation for lethal efficiency. His professional routine is interrupted when he finds himself drawn to Rose (Blunt), one of his intended victims. He spares her life, unexpectedly acquiring a young apprentice (Grint) in the process. Believing Victor to be a private detective, his two new companions tag along, while he attempts to thwart the murderous intentions of his unhappy client.
Director Jonathan Lynn
Writer Lucinda Coxon, Pierre Salvadori
Cast Bill Nighy, Emily Blunt, Rupert Grint |
Producers Martin Pope, Michael Rose
Production Credits Steve Christian - Executive Producer, Nigel Green - Executive Producer, Philippe Martin - Executive Producer, Marc Samuelson - Executive Producer, Daryl Shute - Assistant Producer, Joanne Storkan - Executive Producer, Nigel Thomas - Executive Producer, Julia Valentine - Line Producer, Charlotte Walls - Executive Producer, Magic Light Pictures, CinemaNX, Isle of Man Film, Entertainment Film Distributors (in association with), Matador Pictures, Cinema Four, Regent Capital